“I Give Advice on Social Media, Therefore, I Am a Thought Leader” But… Are You Really?
(Begin cheesy movie trailer with intense, “Highlander-There-Can-Be-Only-One-esque” music) In a world where everyone claims to be an expert… (flies onto screen) we find ourselves drowning in an endless sea of perspective (music breaks down) Constant polls with the same ...
Cookie-Tracking Research POV
Situation The war on third-party cookie tracking, especially with Google and Apple, is in constant flux. Taking a step back and examining the situation as it has evolved (and continues to evolve) is the best way to keep composure as ...
The Future of Google Search Looks A Lot Like Social Media
Situation Review This article from Google talks about updates being implemented by Google on its 20th anniversary. Many of these updates are leveraging the look, feel, and functionality of social media in terms of favoring video, images and “stories.” And, ...
The Effectiveness of Facebook Advertising
Situation Review A recent NPR (National Public Radio) segment explored questions that marketers have been raising regarding the effectiveness of Facebook as an advertising platform. Because the nature of social media as a marketing tool is interest based rather than intent based, ...
It’s Not Rocket Science Until It Is…
We here at DBE have a problem with the below chart from eMarketer. It’s probably because we have this same problem when talking with potential clients about the complexities of paid search (Google AdWords in particular, though it applies to ...
Facebook’s New “Explore Feed” Feature and What It Means for Business Pages
By Katie Scollay An e-Marketer article has recently reported that Facebook may be implementing a new change that will affect businesses and their organic Facebook content. In six countries, Facebook has already rolled out a new discovery focused “Explore Feed” in which ...