Hi y’all –

Let me guess what you’re thinking: you’re pumped to read the latest digital marketing news. 

Oh, that’s not what you were thinking? Well, it will be (see, I can tell the future too)! Anyways, here’s the scoop for ya!


  • Let’s review the features and potential benefits of OpenAI’s SearchGPT. The reviewers in this SEL article felt SearchGPT outperforms Google’s AI Overviews. It had two distinctive differences in the areas of citations and conversational search:
    • The citation sources are more visible in SearchGPT and more likely to promote click-throughs.
    • The conversational search interface creates a thread of iterative/expanding queries which turns the conversation into a broader, topical discussion that is exactly what we are targeting with our SAIO strategy.
    • SearchGPT is still being tested, but we’ll be ready when it launches.
  • Is AI becoming more humanized? OpenAI claims their new “o1” model has human reasoning. One of the cool features is that it breaks things out in a “chain of thought” to correct mistakes before the final answer. Honestly, my human reasoning says that human reasoning is also flawed – how can we teach a robot to do it right? We’ll have to see what users say when it’s available.

Special Event!

Tomorrow at noon (ET), our team is sharing our successes and insights with members and guests of the International Association of Business Communicators (NY Tristate Chapter) via Zoom.

Join our Director of SEO & SAIO, Marc Engelsman, and our President & CEO, Niki Fielding, as they present the opportunities to use AI chatbots as a marketing channel. Register for the free virtual event today!

Do Good Spotlight: W!se

When you transition into adulthood, there are so many things you have to learn on the fly… what insurance do you need? How much of my paycheck should go to rent? I just started work… I need to think about retirement, now? W!se is a groundbreaking educational nonprofit that provides financial education, college and career readiness programs, and services to students, educators and at-risk adults. Learn more about their work: W!se.

Digital Marketing

  • Does ChatGPT help high school students learn? An experiment conducted at the University of Pennsylvania found: access to ChatGPT while practicing math problems led to worse performance on a math test compared to students without ChatGPT access. Not a super shocker, but “the chatbot only answered the math problems correctly half the time.” Accuracy aside, another reason for poor performance is that access to AI chatbots can “substantially inhibit learning” and become a “crutch” for problem solving.

    As a person who grew up with calculators in the classroom, I can vouch that I am terrible at simple, mental math problems. I think there needs to be a balance of technological assistance. We need to know the mechanics, but we don’t always need to execute.
  • DBE’s long-time friend and well-traveled marketer Ruth Stevens recently posted an article in MarTech about the “5 key trends we’re seeing in B2B marketing.” It covers concepts ranging from the generational shift of buyers from Boomers to Gen X and Gen Y to the expansion of ecommerce across the customer journey (i.e. less reliance on sales reps) to the increasingly important role of video in B2b marcom toolbox.
  • Peer-to-peer resale with major brands… why would brands want this? We know the secondhand market allows customers lower-priced alternatives and is less wasteful. The business hurdles are doing this at scale to justify the costs. Overall, it is a great idea, but this model has already been working for places like REI and eBay. It’s just interesting to see brands like Walmart in the mix.

Thoughts to Take With You… 💞

I had a call last week that offered me an opportunity to change the wellness class I teach. It wasn’t a big change, but it meant rearranging my week.

Being hesitant, I told the person I’d think about it.

Taking time to think it over, what was keeping me from jumping into this opportunity? I didn’t want to let go of the community I built and break the schedule that I’d had for over a year. But, this was a great new opportunity to expand that community and explore a new side of teaching.

Next day, I called and said yes.

Lesson learned: Fear of change can hold you back from new adventures. Sometimes, you have to let go to greet the new opportunities in your path.

Have a lovely rest of your week,


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Unrelated P.S.

September is known as “Local Summer” to all my Jersey shore friends. We know it’s time to enjoy the sand and sun while the waves are still warm. If you’re not around a beach to enjoy the month, here’s a list of fun things to enjoy this fall anywhere you are!

P.S. to the P.S.: The P.S. title was a pun off of both Wham’s “Wake Me Up Before You Go-Go” and Green Day’s “Wake Me Up When September Ends”… just making sure you caught that. 🙂

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Published On: 09/18/2024 / Categories: Perceptive Marketer / Tags: , , /

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