
Hope everyone had a nice Labor Day weekend. We’re swinging at you with some digital marketing updates to keep you in the know.


  • What’s up with the Google ranking update? The goal: surface high-quality content from independent sites. Something interesting Google’s Danny Sullivan said is to caution sites from making page tweaks once they are ranking high in SERPs. Big takeaway: building high-quality content should always be your goal for SEO. 
  • MarTech posted a story on “4 ways to achieve early wins with AI in marketing.” You won’t be surprised to see 3 of the 4 are things we’ve covered in past issues and are integrated in our optimization strategies: content marketing, SEO, and website audits. However, their approach to leveraging AI for SEO omits the potential of leveraging SEO for AI. That’s what we do with our SAIO strategies!
  • Sticking with the AI and marketing theme, how much of a role do you think CMOs have for driving Gen AI strategy? a) 59% b) 25% c) 18% *Pause while you guess.* According to this chart from EMARKETER, the correct answer is 18%. Shocked? So were we. But the story goes on to include other insights including this – “57% of CMOs worldwide agree that genAI is the most valuable ROI-driving marketing technology investment this year.”

Do Good Spotlight
Children with Hair Loss🌠

Great cause! Children with Hair Loss provides human hair replacements to children at no cost. Originally, CWHL’s focus was on children fighting cancer, but have since expanded to support children with hair loss from other factors, including Alopecia, burns, Trichotillomania, and other rare diseases and disorders. They’re providing customized human hair replacement and care kits to over 600 children a year. Learn more about their hair donation programs and other ways you can provide support.

Digital Marketing

  • What’s up in social media from H2 2024? Check out some highlights from Tubular’s “The State of Social H2 2024” report:
    • Long-form videos (1-2 minutes) are gaining in popularity on TikTok.
    • Instagram engagements increased by 33%.
    • “Entertainment News creators earned on average 1.5x more views per video than News & Politics creators.”
    • For a summary, check out Social Media Today!
  • Another day, another lawsuit for socials. Snapchat is facing a new lawsuit from New Mexico. New Mexico state Attorney General Raúl Torrez is alleging that Snapchat is not protecting younger app users. More in Social Media Today.

Here’s a scary thought about the future of AI errors: “As A.I.-generated data becomes harder to detect, it’s increasingly likely to be ingested by future A.I., leading to worse results.” This interactive article from TheUpshot in the New York Times literally shows what happens when an AI system is trained on its own output. They refer to the issue as “Degenerative AI” and explore ways to identify and potentially solve this problem.

Thoughts to Take With You… 💞

Mindfulness can make us better parents, siblings, daughters, cousins, acquaintances. It always helps us to be fully immersed in the moment so we can respond wholeheartedly to it.

Isn’t that wonderful? The real question is: how? How do we bring a more mindful presence to our everyday lives of running around from place to place? How do we bring patience to frustrations and understanding to strangers?

What if I could tell you that we have the greatest mindfulness teacher available to us, for free 24/7? It’s under our noses, outside our doors, in friends and strangers.


Nature is always around to show us the way to the moment. Nature has unlocked the key to building a better us – we just have to keep ourselves open to receiving its wisdom.

Have a great September!


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Apples P.S.

Fall is on its way and so is apple season. 🍏🍎 Find some great recipes from our client, Paula Deen!

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Published On: 09/11/2024 / Categories: Perceptive Marketer / Tags: , , /

Digital marketing news with a mindful twist

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