Hey y’all!

Saddle up for this digital marketing rodeo roundup! 🏇🏿


  • Google has launched Gemini Live that lets users have “in-depth” voice chats with the Gen AI chatbot on their smartphones. It has conversational features that allow you to speak at your own pace and to interrupt the response to get more clarification (e.g., redirect the prompt in real time). It’s unclear how source citations may be handled.
  • In other Google news, now that Google has been found guilty of violating antitrust laws, the U.S. Justice Department is considering forcing parent company Alphabet to break up/off at least one of its units. Search Engine Land covers the options. Cue the music “Breaking Up Is Hard To Do.” 
  • Search engines are smarter… online brand reputation is mattering more and more. EMarketer gives some great tips on managing your online brand presence, including managing reviews, keeping Google Business up to date, and being consistent/current on all your online content. If you have one takeaway from this, please👏 update👏 your👏 Google👏 Business👏 hours👏. (Claps are for emphasis.) There’s nothing more frustrating than driving all the way there and getting smacked with a “We’re Closed” sign. This will also avoid bad reviews. Boom. Two birds with one stone. Don’t forget about the holiday hours, too!

Do Good Spotlight: Native American Heritage Association 🌠

Since 1993, Native American Heritage Association (NAHA) has been helping families in need living on Reservations. They provide food, clothing, toys, and other contributions to help Native Americans in need. One of their programs, Operation Winter Rescue, purchases small heating stoves and propane fuel for hundreds of families with no heat. Learn more about their efforts: Native American Heritage Association.

Digital Marketing

  • Now that the Olympic torch has been passed to LA, EMarketer has a summary of some marketing takeaways from Paris: 
    • the Gen AI ads from Google, Meta, and Microsoft
    • how competitors were content creators on TikTok
    • and how streaming soared
      If you were a judge, what marketing effort would you give the gold?
  • Marketing Charts shares data on the projected growth of online and traditional advertising media market channels expected by 2028. No surprises here. Online advertising is the biggest channel but here are a couple of calculations we did to put it in perspective. 1) The current 2024 projection for online advertising is $252 billion which is 125% higher than all the other ad channels combined. 2) By 2028, the online ad projection is $357 billion – a 41% increase that will put even greater distance between it and the other ad channels.
  • What do you prefer: longer, less frequent ad breaks OR shorter, more frequent ad breaks? YouTube is favoring longer, less frequent ad breaks on CTV. Users can experience up to 50% longer viewing sessions than before. Social Media Today points out people are just scrolling on their phones in the ad breaks. Will this impact YouTube ad engagement? We’ll see!

Thoughts to Take With You… 💞

“All the beauty that’s been lost before wants to find us again

I can’t fight you any more, it’s you I’m fighting for

The sea throws rock together but time leaves us polished stones

We can’t fall any further

If we can’t feel ordinary love

We cannot reach any higher

If we can’t deal with ordinary love”

~ Lyrics of “Ordinary Love”, U2

Love this song and its meaning. Based on the teachings and life of Nelson Mandela, it symbolizes a beautiful hope for the future. We cannot fulfill our true potential unless we show compassion to one another. We’re all passengers on the same ship. If we open our mind to that notion, imagine what could be possible.

Have a splendid rest of your week!


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No one asked, but I’m doing it anyway P.S.

Since I brought up music, here are 2 of my favorite music videos (because they’re toe-tapping awesomeness and that make me smile). Hopefully, you’ll get a kick outta ’em, too!:

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Published On: 08/21/2024 / Categories: Perceptive Marketer / Tags: , , /

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