🧠 I’ve Been Thinking…

…about what constitutes a healthy, respectful, profitable, and productive workplace culture. 

I think it takes alignment with the principle of 360° respect (everyone shows everyone respect and consideration) by people who are self-aware and aware of their impact on others. And the ribbon around the package is communication, where attentive listening reigns supreme. 

What do you think is required for the positive workplaces we’re cultivating through Niki’s Notes and like-minded initiatives?

🚀 Information & Resources to Help You Drive Change

Here are my shares for this week:

SPECIAL NOTE: If you hit a paywall on any of the stories I share, go to Google Search, enter the name of the publication and something about the story (author, title, subject) to get a natural search link that usually by-passes the pay wall.

  • Be sure to read this piece on balancing old leadership wisdom with new realities, by Sanjay Menon for Forbes. It’s chock full of meaning stats and quotables, including:
    • “Leadership today is more about steering the ship than being the sole captain. This involves recognizing that knowledge is a moving target and that the best solutions often arise from collective brainpower.”
    • “The complexity leaders face today is of a multi-interest workforce. The shift isn’t just about age; it’s about understanding and accommodating the unique priorities and values that drive each group. For instance, research shows that millennials seek meaningful work and transparent communication, while Gen Zers prioritize happiness through purpose.”
  • Speaking of SHRM, they’re moving away from using the “E” for “equity” when talking about “DEI” initiatives. We’ve watched major companies shy away from DEI, now the largest professional organization for HR people is doing the same. The Wall Street Journal has the details.
  • Make sure your company isn’t creating “bait and switch” jobs. Here’s the short version of this situation on LinkedIn, and here’s the more detailed story on Fast Company.

🦉 You Never Know… Menopause

This section highlights personal situations that may affect colleagues’ work performance, despite their attempts to “suck it up.” Why? As we progress to making workplaces more supportive, we need to strike a balance between that “suck it up” mindset and more understanding.

At the end of the day, work needs to get done, and we all need to be productive. This week, I’m highlighting an issue you’ll increasingly see in the news and may recognize in your workplace: menopause. This story from Fortune covers stats, the challenges, and possible balancing solutions.

🌟 Do Good Spotlight: Covenant House

More than 4 million youth will experience homelessness this year. Covenant House provides immediate and long-term support for young people facing homelessness and survivors of trafficking. They are open 24/7 and provide help to young people across Central and North America. Discover more about them: Covenant House.

🖋 Noteworthy: Fortune’s 100 Best Companies to Work For

Two hospitality companies are in the top 10, and you’ll see several of the winners are names recognized for excellent customer experiences (think Wegman’s and Cheesecake Factory). I question some of the names on the list, but scanning through it gives you a sense of what employees are saying about these employers that helped them win this honor.

🎵 On a Personal Note

If for some reason you cannot take a vacation right now, and you are being honest with yourself, as in, you absolutely can’t, consider a long weekend. Taking time off to refresh and recharge is vital for your success. And along those lines, have you been protecting your weekend time? Fast Company has stats and suggestions in this piece that includes new ideas and good reminders.

⏳Until Next Time…

Watch for the launch announcement for ABetterParadigm.com, an online resource for everyone working to build positive work cultures. We’re just about ready to launch, and I’m so excited to have you all as part of this “better business = better world” journey!

And here’s a little inspiration for you heading into the weekend.



P.S. A houseguest found my missing AirPod under my favorite chair. Still don’t know how I put the case away with one missing but at least this mystery is solved. 🙂

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Published On: 07/17/2024 / Categories: Niki's Notes / Tags: , , /

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