
Digital marketing news coming in hot! 🔥🔥🔥


  • Is anyone else feeling ghosted 👻 ? Recent research from BrightEdge reports that Google AI Overviews are showing up less than 7% of the time. This is a drop from 11%. Search intent has been playing a role in whether AI Overviews appear. For example, if you include “best,” “what is,” “how to,” and “symptoms of,” you are more likely to see them than if you include “vs” or brand-/product- specific queries. We think that Google is figuring out how much is too much. In the meantime, we can enjoy seeing results higher on the page. Lots of easy to digest data in this piece, definitely check it out.
  • On that note, Advanced Web Rankings did an AI Overviews study on 8,000 keywords. Some quick facts include: the average overview is about 169 words long, overviews appear with Featured Snippets 7.4% of the time, and 46.5% of URLs in overviews don’t rank in the top 50 organic results. All these facts point to the need of a balanced SEO and SAIO strategy.

  • Wordstream offers “200+ Best AI Prompts Any Business Can Use” that covers many digital marketing channels including website copy, ad copy, SEO keyword optimization and content, social media, email, and more. Whether these are truly “the best, Jerry the best” (Seinfeld reference) remains to be seen but we give Wordstream props for trying to optimize the article for “best AI prompts.” 

Do Good Spotlight: Covenant House 🌠

More than 4 million youth will experience homelessness this year. Covenant House provides immediate and long-term support for young people facing homelessness and survivors of trafficking. They are open 24/7 and provide help to young people across Central and North America. Discover more about them: Covenant House.

Digital Marketing

  • Here’s a quick AI and content tidbit: The New York Times is testing and training AI to write headlines that meet its rigorous style guide. It’s an ironic twist given its battles with Open AI and Microsoft over use of its content for training models.
  • Y’all must know by now how much I appreciate a creative ad campaign… So, here are 6 of them! My fave is Lays… watched the whole 4-minute clip without wanting to pause it! Let me know if you have a favorite. 🙂

Sneaky, sneaky… both to Apple and Meta. Meta outlined how to avoid paying Apple service fees on ads purchased through iOS. Is Meta really looking out for you or just looking for more of your money? You can choose.

Thoughts to Take With You… 💞

Are you doing things “because of” something or “in order to”?

I couldn’t explain this better. Check out the clip from career advice educator Erin McGoff.

Let’s empower ourselves to make beneficial decisions by pushing forward (in order to) rather than looking back (because of).

Have a great day!


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Selective Attention P.S.

See the power of selective attention in this test from Daniel Simons and Christopher Chabris!

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Published On: 07/17/2024 / Categories: Perceptive Marketer / Tags: , , /

Digital marketing news with a mindful twist

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