How is December treating you? Are you feeling on top of things as the end of the year approaches? I was taken out of the game for Thanksgiving with a mild case of Covid, so I’m doubly excited for Christmas and the other seasonal celebrations coming up.
This week’s issue looks at the bright side to help keep your spirits up:

- Read about breakthroughs in cancer medicine on this Instagram post. Two examples: in a trial for an immunotherapy drug, 18 rectal cancer patients had their disease disappear and a drug for a metastatic breast cancer drug performed similarly. For the full story, head to The Atlantic.
- Doesn’t matter what age you are, looks like there are plenty of opportunities to become a superager, even if you aren’t already. Here are the common traits scientists have identified for those who do a great job of staying healthy as they get older.
Do Good Spotlight
🌟 Marty’s Place 🌟
Marty’s Place provides love, care, and shelter to senior dogs without homes. This sanctuary allows older dogs to live their golden years out in a peaceful environment. Don’t you just love that? Learn more about them: Marty’s Place.
*And to see a list of all the not-for-profits featured this year, visit: Do Good Spotlight Roundup.
- This one is super nerdy and equally cool: Intel announced that it has created software that detects deep fake videos. It’s called FakeCatcher, and it “uses tiny changes in image pixelation related to the movement of blood through human veins to detect whether a recorded video is real or fake with 96% accuracy.”
- What if you could buy produce grown right in the supermarket? Oh yeah, it’s here, or, at least, coming to you soon.
- Here’s a quick tip for a better way to merge cells in Excel to manage columns… nice!
Noteworthy 🖋
When you need to get a document notarized, where do you go? Well, you can actually stay put and do everything you need to get documents notarized from your phone or desktop device. I’ve been using Notarize.com for 2 years and am extremely happy with how easy they make the process. Recently, I had a document notarized in less than 20 minutes, from logging on, uploading my ID credentials, scheduling the appointment (can schedule for “now”), showing my credentials to the notary, signing the doc in front of the camera, paying via credit card ($25), and getting my notarized document back via email. You can also save documents to your Notarize.com account. I like it so much I decided to share, and if you use this code, I get a small reward, but really, knowing I helped you save time is reward enough: Notarize.com.
I’m taking a little break and won’t be producing Niki’s Notes for Compassionate Business Leaders until the new year. Please stay safe, stay focused, and bring your best self to everything you do. Even if you can’t make waves, make ripples—you never know how and where your good vibes will carry. Happy holidays!